Embark on an enlightening journey into the world of Bowen Therapy with our exclusive 10-episode documentary series, crafted over 5 years during the making of 'These Two Hands: The Bowen Therapy Documentary.' Our team engaged with Bowen experts worldwide, distilling over 50 hours of captivating footage into the finest 8 hours of content, professionally edited and expertly organised into specialised subjects within Bowen Therapy.
Join us for this exceptional mini-series that delves deeply into the intricacies of Bowen Therapy, offering you a wealth of educational insights. Each episode includes a unique Q&A test to further enrich your understanding and mastery of this remarkable healing art.
Intro to the Bowen & Beyond Documentary Masterclass Series\
Episode 1 - The Healing Potential of Bowen Therapy (66 minutes)
Episode 2 - The Fascia & Nervous System relevance to Bowen Therapy (54 minutes)
Episode 3 - Bowen Therapy a Complimentary Modality (34 minutes)
Episode 4 - Bowen Therapy for Chronic Conditions (38 minutes)
Episode 5 - Animal Bowen (36 minutes)
Episode 6 - The Evolution of Bowen Therapy (79 minutes)
Episode 7 - Bowen Therapy for Trauma and Mental Health (51 minutes)
Episode 8 - Bowen Therapy for children and babies (20 minutes)
Episode 9 - Sport Bowen (36 minutes)
Episode 10 - Tom Bowen Stories (Coming soon)